Monday, September 30, 2019

Employee Death Sparks Outrage at Sourcing Factories Essay

On July 16, 2009, a 25-year-old Foxconn employee named Sun Danyong committed suicide by jumping from the twelfth floor of his apartment building. Mr. Sun, who worked at an electronics factory in Shenzen, had been put in charge of a prototype of a new Apple iPhone that went missing. Mr. Sun’s death has sparked outrage about labor conditions at China’s factories and at the Western companies that source from them. Foxconn manufactures electronics for some of the world’s largest companies, including Sony, Hewlett-Packard, and Apple. When the prototype iPhone went missing, Foxconn allegedly accused Mr. Sun of theft and initiated an investigation. On the day before his death, Mr. Sun told friends he had been beaten and humiliated by factory security guards. Mr. Sun’s suicide has brought about an outpouring of further complaints against Foxconn, including unpaid overtime and a militant management regime. However, it is not only Foxconn that has taken the blame for the suicide and the conditions that led to it. The Western giants that source from Foxconn—Apple, in particular—have received criticism for their â€Å"cultures of secrecy,† which many believe encourage militant management at their factories. These companies’ intense efforts to protect their trade secrets at sourcing factories in China point to another difficulty with sourcing from China: intellectual property rights violations. Popular brands like Apple are counterfeited heavily in China, and prototype theft is a real and widespread problem. Foreign companies that source from China must therefore walk a very fine line between protecting their intellectual property and ensuring reasonable working conditions that comply with international and local standards. Management that is too lenient subjects a company to theft and counterfeit,  but an overly militant managerial regime may lead to inhumane working conditions and potentially even to tragedies like the suicide of Mr. Sun. Questions 1. Was Mr. Sun’s reaction to the accusation of theft something that only might be expected in China? (10%) 2. Is theft of intellectual property a problem everywhere? Why or why not? Does every culture view the importance of intellectual property in the same way? (20%) 3. Why is theft of intellectual property such a concern in foreign sub-contractors? What can be done to control it? (20%) II. Works Councils and â€Å"Inform and Consult† In the EU: HP Acquires Compaq (EU/US, 2002) The merger of Hewlett-Packard and Compaq in May 2002 triggered extensive consultation with workers in Europe. Under EU requirements, such corporate mergers require companies with 1,000 or more employees in the EU, with at least 150 of those in each of two or more member states, to consult with their employee representatives (through their works councils) on any business decisions contemplated as a result of the merger, such as redundancies, restructuring, and changed work arrangements (all of which were triggered by this merger). Because of that experience, HP took the initiative under the new EU Inform and Consult Directive (and the pending—at that time—UK enabling legislation) to become the first US firm to announce an â€Å"Inform and Consult† framework which was approved by its workforce. At quarterly meetings, HP’s management consulted with and informed their employee representatives on matters such as HP UK business strategies, financial and operational performance, investment plans, organizational changes, and critical employment decisions, such as layoffs, outsourcing, workforce agreements, and health and safety. Key UK HP managers plus HP employee representatives elected to the HP consultative forum from each of the four UK business units met on a  quarterly basis. Wally Russell, who was HP’s European employee relations director at that time, said, â€Å"My own preference is that we be the master of our own destiny. So let’s work together now to [develop] a model that suits HP’s culture.† Questions 1. What do the EU directives on works councils and â€Å"Inform and Consult† require in a situation like this? To whom do these directives apply? (25%) 2. What is it about European culture that has led to the development and implementation of these sorts of practices and policies? Why haven’t they developed in countries like the US? (25%)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

What makes you smile

Canyon Valley Campus A Curve That Sets Everything Straight What Is something that you show without much thought? There a lot of facial expressions that a person can make. Some seem more common and the more subtle differences are lost in different traditions and cultures, but the most universal facial expression with same meaning across all culture is indicated by an upward curving of the corners of the mouth or simply, a smile.I smile knowing that smiling changes my mood. According to psychologists if you smile for a minute, no matter how fake or forced it feels, your body releases hormones such as serotonin which tricks the body into making you feel happy. Every time I am feeling down, I always try to put on a smile. Smiling also prevents me from looking tired. When I am stressed, I take time to put on a smile. The stress I feel Is being reduced and making me able to do more useful things.And also, studies have shown that smelling releases endorphins, and natural pain killers. Toget her, these make us feel good thus: many people consider smiling as a natural drug. Whenever I m having a conversation with other people, I try to smile, smirk, laugh a little on every phrase, sentence, greeting, or even when saying goodbye. It will lighten up other peoples' day and make them want to talk to me more. In that way, I gain more acquaintances that I can rely too.I smile because there are no reasons to be sad. Life is full of obstacles that we encounter every day and these obstacles make our life unhappy but I do not take these obstacles negatively, unlike others, I optimistically find the good in these obstacles so that I will not feel gloomy. I face these obstacles with a smile knowing hat there are good things that await me through this difficulty. I do not consider the word â€Å"problem† to get in my mind, instead I take it as a challenge that I cannot lose to.But in cases that I would feel down, I try to think of the people who makes me happy, the people I co nsider as my friends, because most of them are in a funny situation like having a crush on someone but they are trying really hard denying it, that they end up being very defensive and it becomes really obvious. Seeing small kids and babies, also makes me smile, mainly because some children are afraid of there people so being able to play with them is such a great opportunity.The babies' laughter also makes me smile, especially when they laugh out loud and I suddenly feel a disturbing reaction hearing a kid laugh like there Is something uncommon resembling a voice and sometimes It comes with dark aura. Compliments are the number one thing that can make me smile. They make me feel good about myself, and reassure me on something I think is wrong about me. Opinions are very professional or from somebody whose opinion matters to me. I smile Just by thinking about all the wonderful things I have accomplished. I become very proud of myself.My confidence shows in my smile and it helps me b oost my confidence to meet and befriend other people. Don't forget to flash a smile and wave to others even if you do not know them or even if they don't smile back because they say that the people who failed to commit suicide think that if someone smiles to them, they will not end their lives because they feel that they are still important. Your smile might totally change the outcome of an unpleasant situation. This way, if we smile we would save lives in the simplest manner. In this case, we should always smile even for the little things and let the world wonder why.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Impact of empowerment on the organizational behavior in 5 star hotels Essay

Impact of empowerment on the organizational behavior in 5 star hotels - Essay Example People are their most important resource. In fact organizations are also generically selling their goods or services to another set of people i.e. the customers. For any commercial organization it is then a people versus people equation for its survival. Unlike other resources which an organization deploys people or its staff are live resources that think, have feelings, aspirations, motives and emotions which get nurtured, developed ,frustrated or stunted every now and then. No human would be willing to work with frustrated aspirations or stunted and suppressed feelings. Thus it becomes incumbent on an organization to nurture and develop the feelings, aspirations, emotions of its employees. This is the traditional function of the human resource management function in any organization correctly when they happen. Present day literature, however lays more emphasis on strategic human resource management wherein the human resource management function is aligned in such a manner that fulf illing human resource management function automatically ensures reaching strategic objectives of the organization. In short the human resource management function is woven with in the overall strategy of the organization. Strategic approach to human resource management implies putting in place a set of internally consistent policies and practices that ensure that organization’s human capital (skills, combined knowledge of employees and abilities) contributes to organizations strategic objectives.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Pursue Business at USC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pursue Business at USC - Essay Example My skills and past experiences best suit me for this course. Personally, I believe I have an analytical mind and I am an awesome strategist. This was witnessed during my summer internship at an international trading company, which dealt with trading detergents from France. At the company I keenly analyzed the customers buying trends and developed a strategy that would assist the company realizes more sales. I realized that offering gifts to our customers would motivate them to come again and buy more goods. However, I had also to study our customer base, and I discovered that most of our customers were female. Based on the above insights, I came up with Louis Vuitton bags since they are a status symbol that could attract more female customers. This strategy bore fruits as there was a substantial increase in the company’s sales even to other Asian countries such as Taiwan, China, and Japan. I came to learn that I am considerate, hardworking, self-motivated, determined, and ambi tious. This qualifies, skills and experiences will enable me to thrive well in your institution that is competitive and encompasses people of different cultures. This program fits my future professional goals because in future I want to venture into the field of business. Despite the misconception that some people have that business is about making money, personally my motivation of doing business is that I like the idea of doing the business itself; meeting and interacting with people and learning from them.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The relation between domestic terrorism and armed forces in the U.S Essay

The relation between domestic terrorism and armed forces in the U.S. in mid-90s - Essay Example Domestic terrorism has existed and influenced the political and social structure of the United States, to varying degrees, since this country's inception. The United States Department of Justice defines domestic terrorism as: "The unlawful use of force or violence, committed by a group(s) of two or more individuals, against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives."1 Historically there have been limited cases or incidents of domestic terrorism in which active duty military personnel have been involved or implicated, most probably due to the rigid structure and character of the military environment. Although terrorism has plagued governments, and public and private institutions for centuries in one form or another, its application and the strategies associated with it have evolved as surely as the societies upon which it is imposed. Technological advances particularly in the transportation, communication and weapons field, have facilitated the abilities of modern-day domestic terrorist groups to get their message out and has improved their capacity to take violent action to achieve their goals. Recent incidents, particularly the Weaver family incident at Ruby Ridge, Idaho, and the incident at the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas, have brought into question the extent to which government interdiction of armed citizen groups is actually le gitimate before it violates their Constitutional civil rights. Additionally, to what extent is the use of force against these groups acceptable In February of 1995, President Clinton introduced a counterterrorism bill into the Senate and House of Representatives. Among other extremely controversial proposals in the bill, the Department of Defense would be assigned an increased role in assisting in the investigation of domestic terrorism incidents in which chemical and biological agents were used (currently the military can be utilized in cases of terrorism in which nuclear weapons or devices are suspected or confirmed).2 Although the increased role for the military would be very limited, requiring further amendment to the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, civil liberties experts warn that it would violate the tenants of "civil supremacy over the military" and would further kindle the animosities and anti-government sentiment of the citizen-militias and conspiracy theorists.3 Additionally, many Congressmen, law-enforcement officials and some military advisers agree that such uses of the military would be an extremely dangerous avenue of approach to combating domestic terrorism. Apparent Motivation There are basically four categories into which groups that are regarded as domestic terrorists can be distinguished currently existing in the United States. These groups can be generically delineated as being either motivated by: (1) religious

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Diabetes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Diabetes - Essay Example Exercise plan is ideal for patients with this condition provided they do not fall in the following scenarios, which make them at risk of aggravating cardiovascular diseases. First, they should not be older than 35 years and should not have suffered from type 2 diabetes for more than 10 years. There should be no other risk factors for coronary artery disease. The patients should not have proliferative retinopathy or nephropathy microvascular disease such as microalbuminuria, peripheral vascular disease or autonomic neuropathy. Scientific research has produced enough supportive evidence that a gradual drop in fitness and muscle mass and strength in diabetics could be reversed through regular and moderate exercises. It has also been established that lack of physical activity results in the decrease in insulin sensitivity in middle-aged type II diabetics. Noticeably, physical inactivity is more widespread in populations at risk of contracting type II diabetes. Middle-aged patients have been targeted in many recent studies on the effects of regular and moderate exercise on diabetics. Hence, mild and regular exercise is highly recommended for middle-aged type 2 diabetics (American Diabetes Association, 2007). According to the American Heart Association, the two-pronged exercise for middle-aged type II diabetics should involve swimming and walking, which are aerobic activities associated with the strengthening of muscles, lungs and the heart. Walking and swimming controls diabetics’ blood pressure and sugar besides making their arteries flexible. The other effect of aerobics is weight loss and shedding of excess body fat (American Diabetes Association, 2007). Through their effects on responses to insulin, swimming and walking helps improve the health of a type II diabetic. The recommended exercise include walking and other moderately intense exercises that run for

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Do The Specific Course Materials Connect, Align, Support, and Term Paper

How Do The Specific Course Materials Connect, Align, Support, and Intersect With Concepts Addressed In The Book The Servant - Term Paper Example This research will begin with the statement that effective leadership is one of the major attributes of organizational success. Northouse has described leadership as a process that assists individual to influence a group of people in terms of achieving a common goal. Leadership acts as a catalyst to influence four fundamental factors of an organization’s productivity such as labor, land, entrepreneurship, and capital. The leadership style of management or owners is very important for effectively structuring the culture of the organization. There are a number of leadership styles that have been evaluated and examined by researchers overall period of time. As per Selznick, the style of leadership must differ according to the structure of the organization, work culture and personality as well as tolerance of subordinates. Hunter has described the effectiveness and importance of servant leadership for organizational management in his book â€Å"The Servant†. The theory of s ervant leadership illustrates that in order to increase the effectiveness of leadership activities a leader needs to serve first. Rather than a leadership style or technique, servant leadership can be described as a pattern of behavior that can assist management to gather long-term benefit. Hunter has described the impact and application of this leadership style through the tale of a business executive and his failure as a boss, coach, father, and husband.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) Assignment

Post-Stonewall LGBTQ Civil Rights and Lesbian Feminism (responses) - Assignment Example gard, the topic is properly covered by the writer; however, the major issue that arising in relation to his/her presentation is that he/she did not focus on other extra information, but rather focused strictly on answering the three major questions that guided the task. The writer begins properly by providing a discussion the directly answers question one. He/she goes further provides supportive information regarding the facets of the first question. However, discussions regarding the second and the third questions are presented in a vague and a generalized manner, with the writer using only one in-text citation. In addition, he/she goes further and describes the pertinence of the week’s reading towards enhancing his/her understanding of the issues of LBGTQ community. There is also the use of poor language i.e. â€Å"we realize† and lack of adequate referencing. However, the entire presentation is quite appropriate as it depicts that the writer made an attempt to answer all the research questions, except for the vague discussion of question 2 and

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Organization and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Organization and Management - Essay Example This paper compares two organizations in terms of their approaches to three aspects of organizational theories. The comparison will be based on their approach to teamwork and teamworking, organizational structure and design, and organizational culture. Comparison of approaches to teamwork and teamworking Public and private organizations have been similar in embracing the different organization theories. According to Robbins & Judge, (2010, p. 23) organizations have embraced the scientific management theory by trying to apply all the eleven principles of scientific management. Biogenic plc divides tasks and assigns workers that have skills in performing the specific task only. The organization emphasizes on assigning different tasks to workers according to their best ability and academic credentials. This can be referred to as division and specialization of labor. It’s the most common principle of management. Applying division and specialization of labor has been facilitated by the availability of knowledge and skills among the workers. This has enabled organizations to assign tasks to workers according to their skills and abilities. The bureaucracy theory developed by Max Weber is also applied in managing both public and private organizations. All the hierarchies are involved in decision making thus it takes a long time to approve an action. This is the case of Biogenic plc where teams are designed on the basis of their position in the hierarchy of management. The administrative theory as developed by Henry Fayol emphasizing the importance of the functions of management including planning, organizing, controlling, coordinating and commanding. Public and private organizations apply the functions of management in their daily operations. These organizations are structured around the five functions of management. The application of the principles of management has been promoted by the close relationship among the functions of management. However, Sleepeasy h as little application of the five principles of management which has led to the company lacking a team. Employees are hired on the basis of part-time and there are formal processes that make it difficult for managers to fulfill the principles of management. Comparison of organizational structure and design In an organization, workers are the most important between the system and workers. Classical organizational theories were centered on tasks rather than the human aspect of workers. Workers were viewed as parts of a machine that played a significant role in the running of the business. All the organizational theories aimed at finding the best way of managing resources especially human resources in order to improve their efficiency and effectiveness in the production process of the organization. The organization is in itself run by workers who operate machines or work manually.  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Moment that Lasts Forever Essay Example for Free

A Moment that Lasts Forever Essay I turn around to see the audience cheering their lungs out for me. Even though I’ve been through so many competitions before, none of the competitions could even compare to the contrasting feelings I was having at the moment. Although at the time, I still did not know who won in the finals of one of the biggest competitions in California, nor did I know what the judges thought of me, I knew that I had successfully completed a memory that would have a big impact on my life. I knew that I had worked hard and tried my best, and even if I ended up not even winning a place, I would have earned something from this extreme event. My teacher had been trying to decide what piece to give me for my next competition: MTAC, the Music Teacher’s Association of California. What does that mean? It means that I will be competing in one of the biggest, and hardest competition in California again. It would be the 3rd time in this competition for me, after failing the first time, and barely achieving ‘Honorable Mention’ the second time. I knew that this was my chance, my chance to finally show all the critics, all the people that believed I was just a talentless girl with extremely well-known teachers, that I actually was able to play the piano. â€Å"Oh! How about this piece?† my mentor suggested.   I looked up to see my teacher, a young boy stuck in a old man’s body, look at me, so happy and excited about something that he was almost bouncing off the floor. I see him holding a green book, and I see as he opens the book to the 5th page, the words â€Å"Abegg Variations† by Schumann. I nearly fainted right there and then. â€Å"How did this teacher expect me to play this super hard piece that even Lang Lang made mistakes in when he played, when I couldn’t even play my Mendelssohn well?† I thought to myself, â€Å"but I probably can’t do anything about it, especially not with my mom looking like a dog that just managed to get its owner to give it a thousand bones, also.† The first big obstacle came quick enough. My mom announced that I was going to play at her student’s recital, only a few months after I first got the piece. I nearly fainted after all the screaming, crying, yelling I did. â€Å"It would be a good experience and excellent practice for your competition† she said. â€Å"But I’m not ready!† I replied back trying to use imploring eyes to achieve a change of mind. â€Å"You are playing, and that’s final!† she answered. Read more:  My Proudest Moment Essay I knew there was absolutely no point in arguing anymore, and that all I could do was practice. Turns out, I was completely right about one fact: I was not ready for this recital at all. I messed up, and I didn’t mess up small, I messed up humongous, huge, extreme, terrifyingly big. As I disembarked from the stage, I could just see how much practicing I would have to do to prepare for my second obstacle: my piano teacher’s recital. Apparently, all the practicing I did before this next recital was not enough, because I managed to embarrass myself at my piano teacher’s recital also. My fate was inevitable, and I knew by then that I was going to be practicing like crazy now, if I didn’t before. I also knew how furious my mom was going to be at me. My prediction was completely correct, as I was told to practice so much that my fingers were about to fall off. To be exact, I practiced sixty times for each variation, and Abegg Variations has multiple variations. T hough it took more than 4 hours every day, I stayed persistent, and slowly and steadily I improved. As I was about to go into a room for the first round of the competition, all I could think was†¦ â€Å"What if I mess up, what if I mess up†¦ I’m going to mess up, I’m going to mess up, I’M GOING TO MESS UP!!! GAHH~~!!!† The door holder called out, â€Å"Anna Yang†, and it was my turn. I went in, and was surprised to find three judges, different from the previous year. My face literally turned as bright as the sun when I did not see the judge that absolutely detests my teacher, *a*c* *e*s*n (for privacy reasons, I will exclude her name from this essay). I turned as hyper as a kid could become, and I was about to scream from happiness right then. Every single time I am in a competition, and she’s a judge, she always marks me down. Luckily, she was not here this time, and instead, sitting in her place, was a nice, friendly looking old lady, a not very skinny lady who’s facial expressions seemed a bit like the evil stepmother from Cinderella, and a Jasmine look-a-like lady who’s only difference from Jasmine was that she looked like she was about to poison me with a poisonous apple. As I bowed to them, I became more relaxed at the smile of the nice, friendly looking old lady. Although I was still frightened at the prospect of messing up, I was shaking a considerably less amount than I was before. I made a mistake, but I was lucky. Right when I made the mistake, the nice, friendly looking judge dropped her cushion from her chair, and everyone rushed to help her pick it up. My mistake had gone by unnoticed by the crowd. By that time, I was so ecstatic that my smile was about to reach the sky. The results of the first round came out soon enough. As I went on the MTAC website on my phone, I could hear both my mom’s heartbeat, and also my heartbeat beating as fast as a hare would beat while being chased by a extremely furious tiger. The page finally finished loading, and I scrolled down to see: Grand Prize: Anna Yang. I celebrated for about 2 minutes thinking about how all that practice had actually been beneficial, and then I realized what that meant†¦ I was going to have to compete one more time, this time against the winner of the Southern California group. I scrolled down to see who exactly I had to compete against during the final, and I went ballistic when I saw. Sherry Tang was the winner of Southern California. I was going to play against THE Sherry Tang, the girl who was on From the Top and won against college kids. The girl who won a national competition. By that time, I was already dead cast against the fact that I would never win, but my mom calmed me down with her comforting words, telling me that I should not give up, even if there is almost no chance of winning. I did not give up. I continued playing and practicing every day, and I ended up not regretting it. A few months later, a judge called out Sherry’s name before they called my name. As I heard the words â€Å"1st place, Anna Yang†, I walked towards the auditorium stage. As I walked on stage, I did not cry. I could only smile. Who wouldn’t? Why would you be unhappy about the fact that you had just won one of the biggest competitions in California? Though I do not practice as much anymore, I still always have a certain self-confidence while playing piano. I also learned that as long as I put in effort and I have fun, the audience and judges will also have fun, and they will feel the effort I have put in.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The Principles Of Relationship Building Children And Young People Essay

The Principles Of Relationship Building Children And Young People Essay Effective communication plays vital role in developing positive with children, young people and adults. To build a positive relationship with children, young people and adults. As a TA you have to model the positive and effective communication skills between you and your other peers. You can do this by approaching and responding in positive communication, making the children feel comfortable in your presence or while you are supporting them. The effective communication is important for developing positive relationship with a child can often take sometimes. In my practice we reinforce this by greeting the children with smile, good morning and asking how are you? We also use Makaton signs while greeting. We also give chance to children to tell anything they want share with us. Its good that while you are talking with children get down to their level and give the positive response while communicating to children. If you are communicating with reception children, use short sentences and easy words. Build a relationship with by children by asking their favourite this, make an eye contact as this will boost the confidence of the child. As when the child or young people feel relaxed they will the child education and development. Explain the principles of relationship building with children, young and adults. (1.2) In my view all good relationships are built on warmth, caring, mutual respect and a willingness to listen to and accept one another. Relationships with children are especially tender and deserve extra attention and care as children are developing their concepts of the world and their place in it. Children look to the relationships with caring adults in their lives to answer many questions. They want to know, Do I belong? Am I doing all right? Do you see who I am? and Am I safe with you? They may not ask these questions with words, but they are looking to their relationships for the answers. Its important that you communicate how much you enjoy having the child or young adult you want to build a relationship with in your life. You can do this simply by giving the priority to the child or young person and leave everything else for a moment and giving them your full attention and a warm look. Show the child or young person or adult that you are pleased and fully attentive to whatever the child or young person presents. Youll be amazed where things go when we make time for them to unfold. In my practice we implement by giving the child the priority for example if I am writing the observation or busy in any activity and child comes to me . Then give the importance to child putting that activity aside for while and responding them positively. Explain how different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate. (1.3) Different social, professional and cultural contexts may affect relationships and the way people communicate because of a lack of understanding of one anothers background and or/culture. There are several behaviours that may be perceived differently by people. When communicating with others we need to consider the context in which we are working, we need to adapt the way we communicate in different situations. We should also remember that different cultures will have their own norms of behaviour which may extend to gestures, body language and eye contact. Explain the skills needed to communicate with children, young person and adult. (2.1) As a TA You have to demonstrate many skills while communicating with the children , young person and adult. It is really important that you give the opportunities to the children , young person or adult to talk about their views or any concerns .for example in my practice we done an activity regarding the expression or how you are feeling today ? after finishing the activity we gave the chance to every child if he/ she wants to discuss how is he feeling today and why? . You have show the respect to their views by active listening and valuing their views. While you were listening them make sure to have an eye contact and if communicating with child show your interest by saying different expressive work like thats sound amazing or praising them if they are telling about their good act .you have to get down to their level while communicating with the children. Get involved with children while communicating for example if the child is talking about a story book ask different question like what is your favourite character , did your like the story ? , Which part you find interesting in the book? Explain how to adapt communication with children and young people for: the age of child or young person , the context of communication and communication differences.(2.2) We have to adapt different way of communication with children and young people . As children of different ages will have various levels of attention and requirements than that of an older child, younger children who are starting school will require lots of support and reassurance in order for them to adjust to a school environment and develop their independence. As a TA You can do with this by praising and encouraging the child to build up good relationship and friendships with other children or children they may not usually associate with. When communicating with younger children it is really very important that we make an eye contact with the child and use simple instructions broken down into manageable steps. With some children with educational needs you may have to use alternative forms of communication like in our practice we use hands gestures, pictures or symbols. With an older child they still require lots of encouragement, praise and approval in order to improve their social skills. We also need to give older children opportunity to talk and express their views and opinions and it is vital that you make them feel that you are interested in listening to them. An older child still needs to understand boundaries and behaviour expected from them. The context of the communication; We have to change the verbal communication according to the situation we find ourselves in when with children or young people. If we are working in a more social location in school . For example in my practice when are in the playground or outside area then we use to communicate the children in very friendly way involve in what they are playing by giving different ideas of games they can play. It will gives us the opportunity to build relationships with the children. In a situation such as a learning activity or if I am working with target groups then it is important that the children are focused and can work without any distractions in order to complete the activity. At that time my way communicating with children will be forma, firm and proficient as I am working are in class and in an educational environment When working with children or young people with communication difficulties it is vital that we ensure patience and understanding as they will need to take more time . If a child has a speech difficulties such as stammer then they could feel anxious or nervous when trying to say something so it is important that we try not to speak for them or guess what they are trying to say as this may add to their anxiety. In my practice we use the resources such as PECS (picture exchange communication system) which is a form of alternative communication which uses pictures instead of words. And also use Makaton; a simple form of sign language which uses signs and picture symbols as well as speech. Explain the main differences between the communication with children and young people. (2.3) When communicating with the children, the language used should be appropriate to their age and understanding. Children need simpler terms than young person and also need to think of concentration levels and attention spans. Make sue that you never interrupt children and never dismiss anything they are saying; this will only lower their self esteem. Never laugh or hurry them when they are speaking. Active listening, taking note of their views and opinions. Showing smile and being polite to them. Provide the opportunities to young children to develop the communications skills, taking their ages in your mind. Use of non verbal communication, written communication like grammar and handwriting We can also communicate with them in formal or informal language, they are more self conscious when speaking in front of others. If Young person who have difficulty in social skills, adults communicate with using good manners may help building up social skills. Explain how to adapt communication to meet different communication needs of adults.(2.4) Communication with the adults, use the respectable language , When we are communicating with adults it is important to address them by their preferred title this in turn is showing respect. It is important for them to feel comfortable with you, especially since you are going to be working closely with them in the classroom, In my practice we reinforce that by showing respect their views and ideas. We also encourage the courteous and polite way of communication in my practice. As a TA I provide all support they might need in the classroom or around school. This will make it easier to work in a team and therefore less likely to cause friction in the setting, this will also make you a good role model for children as well as the adults. Explain how to manage the disagreements with children , young people and adults. (2.5) Everyday kinds of conflict that happen all the time in schools . However to deal with these disagreement you should follow the school policy and procedures, You should not to deny them help if they want it, but to give them as much opportunity to sort out their problems for themselves without taking over and doing it for them. In most circumstances the schools use procedure guide line that could be listen calmly to the both sides, You Should encourage them to reflect I can see you are very upset. I can understand why you are annoyed. As a TA you should give the child opportunity to resolve the problem for him/herself Is this something you can sort out for yourself or do you need my help? . Listens carefully to both sides, while insisting that each side respects the others opportunity to speak. If you are working with nursery children and they squabbling over something suppose a Push chair, you should first wait and see if they can resolve or sort it by themselves often children do. However if they are unable to sort it then you can step in and ask both children and then putting their ages into your mind you can explain them: 1. If there are two prams so they can both play with prams or 2. If there is only one pram so I will explain they have a choice, they can either play (and share) together and one push, whilst the other holds on, on one side and then swap over or 3. They must decide who is going to play with it on their own for a few minutes often the older/more able child is able to understand that they will have a turn very soon. Explain that you will make a note of the time if they choose this option. This is a good time to explain that it is much more fun to share because they have a friend to play with, very rarely have I found that a child wants to play alone unless of course they are very young and are not at the stage where they are looking to form relationships Another example in my practice I recently come up with a disagreement between two children. They are arguing on the scarf claiming that it belongs to both of them, then they come to me by saying that this scarf belongs to me and child b is also saying this scarf belongs to me. I said to them I have to speak them one by one and listened to them then we decided to go the coat pegs to make sure if they had a same scarf , by going their and having conversation with both children we come up with one thing that one child has a name on his scarf. After that we checked on the peg and found another scarf with the name , and they both got their scarf and disagreement is resolved. Summarise the main points of legislation and procedures covering confidentiality, data protection and the disclosure of information.(3.1) Every Adult who is working with the children or young people should have the knowledge of the legislations and how they are using in their practice. As a TA my responsibility is to keep the information confidential and record it wherever needed. In our practice we reinforce it by using the data protection act 1998 as a guide for our school procedures. All staff use this and follow that guideline. In my practice if a parent come to me and discuss any medical condition regarding the child I always record in our class book and make a copy for sence as well. I pass on that information to the teacher or Senco, depending on child educational needs. We are not allowed to discuss any school records with the parents or any other member of staff. In school we can gather some information about the child which is related to needs in the school such as dietary needs or any allergies child may have, any educational needs, medical information like if a child have to take any medication during the school time or any medical condition which can effect the child education . As a Ta you cannot disclose any information as this is the breach of confidentiality .You can only do this when it is need to know situation like a child has some medical needs which have to cover in the school by doing the parent consent. Explain the importance of reassuring children, young people and adults of the confidentiality of shared information and the limits of this. (3.2) Children, young people and adults need to know confidentiality will be honoured unless their, or others safety and well-being is threatened, a crime has or is likely to be committed, and a professionals knowledge of and access to the child, young person or adults information will not be abused, in the same way that it is important for professionals to understand how important shared information is, where and how its stored, transported and disclosed to other appropriate professionals. The school has a Confidentiality Policy, which all staff needs to be aware of, this sets out the schools aims and objectives relating confidentiality and gives guidelines on how to handle confidential information. The Data Protection Act 1998 states that any organisation holding confidential information should be registered with the Data Protection Commission. The Act gives eight principles of practice that govern the use of personal information. Such information must be processed fairly and lawfully, we can only use it for the purpose for which was gathered. It should be adequate, relevant and not excessive, also very accurate and kept no longer than necessary. The information should be processed in line with the individuals rights and kept it in secure place and discard it when it is not necessary. Justify the kinds of situation when confidentiality protocols must be breached. (3.3) As a TA when you work with children and young people will come to know most of the personal information like date of birth, address and contact details and also sensitive information like behavioural issues, some medical information, family background, whether parents are divorcing and so on. It is the responsibility of the adult to keep this information confidential. You must protect the identity of the child they work with and that of their families and carers. You must do everything in their power to protect the privacy of every child and adult. This can be done by keeping their personal information safe and secure. You can pass it on those who have authorised and legitimate reason to have the information only after they have permission from their parents and carers. This involves parents signing a consent form. If parents refuse permission then the school would not able to pass on the information even if it involves a behavioural specialist working with a child who has special needs.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

John Miltons Sonnet 16 Essay -- John Milton Sonnet 16 Essays

John Milton's Sonnet 16 In his sonnets, John Milton tackles a number of subjects which he addresses at considerably greater length in his other poetry and prose. These subjects range from religious to political, and rarely is any one piece of writing limited to one or the other of those fields. While his Sonnet 16 begins with a challenge to familiar biblical passages, Milton ultimately uses it to offer a critique of the nearly ubiquitous comparison between the king and God. The sonnet features two motifs that run throughout the first seven lines. Both are biblical, and both are introduced in the first line. The one that seems to be the most significant is the light and dark imagery. In the first line, it sounds like a reference to Milton’s blindness (this is more or less plausible depending on which date of publication you accept). As this language continues to crop up, it appears that Milton’s darkness has a larger importance. In the second line, he refers to the world as dark, and in line seven, he uses the lack of light to pose a frustrated question to God. By using this vocabulary to describe his fears, Milton creates a connection with two passages from the Bible that use the same language to explain the will of God and the way of the world. In Matthew 25: 1-13, a brightly shining lantern symbolizes a person’s preparedness for God’s coming, and in John 9:4, Christ refers to the limited time he (and every man ) has to do God’s work on earth before â€Å"the night cometh, when no man can work† (King James Bible). Milton engages with these passages, so that when he reaches the height of his dilemma, â€Å"Doth God exact day-labour, light denied,/I fondly ask† he is issuing a direct challenge to a statement made b... ... God has a tireless band of angels as well as his followers among men who have learned to set aside all else and worship him. In this sonnet, Milton manages to turn his personal complaint into not one but two of his favorite things: praise of God, and intense criticism of the king. By focusing on the parable of the talents and its ties to both the worldly and the spiritual, Milton calls God and King into relief. He is then able to use God and His eternal, abiding goodness to highlight the King’s small-minded, self-centered tyranny. This direct comparison gives readers a sense of Milton’s belief that earthly authority is corrupt, and should never be a part of religion. God and the King are so vastly far apart that to bring them together, whether in poetry or in a church hierarchy, is offensive to God and can only bring out the weaknesses of the King.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

History of Abortion Essay -- essays research papers

Ever since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, Abortion has changed its course in society. With the new decision made by the United States, abortion was now legal. Many abortions were performed before the Supreme Court decision, but the settlement made it less risky for the doctors involved. Abortion has caused society to be divided by a pro-choice group and pro-life group. Two groups with struggles that will never end. There are many different types of abortions that can be preformed. The type used depends on how far along in the pregnancy the woman is. In the very early stage of the pregnancy, up to 49 days after conception, the woman has two choices. The first is to take a combination of drugs. This is called a medical abortion. The embryo is then passed out. The other met... History of Abortion Essay -- essays research papers Ever since the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision in 1973, Abortion has changed its course in society. With the new decision made by the United States, abortion was now legal. Many abortions were performed before the Supreme Court decision, but the settlement made it less risky for the doctors involved. Abortion has caused society to be divided by a pro-choice group and pro-life group. Two groups with struggles that will never end. There are many different types of abortions that can be preformed. The type used depends on how far along in the pregnancy the woman is. In the very early stage of the pregnancy, up to 49 days after conception, the woman has two choices. The first is to take a combination of drugs. This is called a medical abortion. The embryo is then passed out. The other met...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Characters in The Crucible Essay -- Essay on The Crucible

The Characters in The Crucible The Crucible was a story with a wide range of caractors. Not only appearance wise but, with different personalities a together. Many caracteurs in this play thought differently from one and other. That is why this book had a few "twists and turns" to the story. In my profiles, I will display many different caracteurs and theirs' different mentality. First I will start with Mr. John Proctor, a.k.a. "shoulder checker". John Proctor had always things on his mind. People were always on his mind. John Proctor was always looking out for his mistakes or errors, not because he was picky, but his ennemis and competion were. John Proctor was always think out the final result of a situation, like when Betty was "spritually repossed" early in the book (Act I, pages 6-12). John Proctor did not care about as Betty as much as the final opinion that the town would have on Proctor's "white and pure" name. Much can be said about Proctor's giving and understanding, but I don't want to waste that line. Proctor's carring and willing to give people thinks was not his best feature. Proctor was always thing about him, himself and no one else, except the final outcome of the whole situation. Take for exaple the fellow that wanted to get some tree off Proctor's land. Even though Proctor had probably no knowlage of the trees on his land, he still wanted a peice of the pie. Proctor wanted always money. He was money hungry and cheap. Basicly Proctor was a would be if he could be. Proctor was always trying to fit into the high class crowd, flash his powere and money on the middle class or poorer people, but when Proctor was around people like Hale (Hale was a well educated and he stood up for things kind of guy) Proctor would try to act up to his class but he couldn't really beacause inside he really knew he couldn't. Then the one life ending, marriage destroying fault that Proctor would ever do was he sleept with Abigail. That action right there would kill Proctor not physically (yet) but mentally threw the novel it honted him and later .. his wife. The perfect exemple was when John Proctor's wife, Elizabeth and Mr. Proctor were approched by Hale. John Proctor was asked if he could name the seven commandents (Act ][, page #65). John Proctor (with Elizabeth by his side) was able to name them all e... ...ed physically now or spriatually later. But Hale was never scared of these threest. Hale was always always under the influence of God. The reason or event would be because of God. Still, Hale was a friend to many people like Proctor. When the summons come for Proctor (at the end of Act ]I[), Proctor would yell to the officers tht they should depart from his house. Hale tried to clam down Mr. Proctor but once a snowball start to roll, it is hard to freeze it in it's tracks. But again it's like thoses efforts that made Hale who he is. I fell that all theses caractuers made a big difference in this book (as I described above). My reason apon picking them varies from the protagonist (Proctor) to anognist (Abigail) to the man I felt kept the ball moving with his knowladge (Hale). I enjoyed reading this book because of the turning of events, the plot that led up to the climax. The finish was touching. For a guy to say it was touching, it was a good ending. I think the best title or subtitle for this book came from an album from a group called Colletive Soul. Their title from the album and the perfect title for this book: Hints, Lies and Alligations

Monday, September 16, 2019

Reflection on Japanese Earthquake

After watching the news about the catastrophic earthquake in Japan these days, I was overwhelmed with a range of emotions: anxiety, depression, grief, confusion and shock. Like a lot of people, I was stunned by percussive images of the ruins of buildings and the bodies of casualties. I felt sorry for the dead. Meanwhile, I was deeply touched by those survived. Instead of being thrown into panic, the Japanese faced up to the catastrophe with dispassion and composure. Although their homes were destroyed and their relatives were violently torn away, they still evacuated orderly and stood calmly in a queue to get reliefs. However, the case in china is just the other way around. Some Chinese people seem to be keyed up. Many articles concerning this earthquake can be found on the internet, a majority of which are radical. These people said: It serves Japan right. If only the island country sunk and disappeared forever. Admittedly, as Chinese, I felt repugnance for Japan. However, as descendents of the country with a history of thousands of years, we should reach out our friendly hand and let the world know that we Chinese are a civilized and well educated nation. If we merely stand by or even loot a burning house, we are no better than those Japanese invaders. From my point of view, we are all world citizens living in this global village and international community. In the face of natural disaster, we human beings are vulnerable. No one is powerful enough to escape. We can do nothing but pull together to go through. Therefore, we should relate to those wretches with sympathy and love instead of being narrow-minded and ultranationalistic. Japanese people are innocent. Let’s care for them with tolerant and generous hearts and help them out of the difficulty.

Developing an English Language Curriculum Essay

The problem at hand involves developing a curriculum for English language that is suited for all people, coming from all over the country; even those without the basic knowledge of the language. The problem entails finding out the basis of developing such a curriculum, analyzing the content and coverage of such a curriculum, testing the suitability of it to the users, outlining a sample curriculum and finding out the possible outcome of such a curriculum. The problem will also discuss the likelihood of making compromises, possible compromises, the groups affected and how to counteract the effects of such compromises. Theoretical Background and Analysis Curriculum development for languages has for a good length of time been based on; developing language responsiveness, developing confidence and competence in the use of English language, trying to instil into the learners the cognitive capability, training learners to develop language imaginative and emotional skills via oral, reading and writing skills. In trying to develop any teaching curriculum, one can focus on the above as guideline. Traditionally, the curriculum activities have been determined by use of a particular set of goals needed to be achieved. Hence one would sit down and analyze the particular things he wanted to achieve then go ahead and develop a systematic way to end up with the desired results. Failure to achieve these results would be followed by corrective measures to the curriculum. However, further developments to this has led to another way of developing a curriculum based on the path or route used to achieving desired results other than the one based on developing a curriculum on goal basis. A curriculum can be developed on the basis of tasks (Nunan, 1998). One approach focuses on analyzing the psycholinguistics involved in the acquisition of a second language and activation of such in a classroom. The other approach basically focuses on the purpose the learners need the language for. Nunan and Lockwood (1991) have come up with a model to implement the latter approach. This involves allowing learners develop the skills of the language, offer a chance to analyze and listen on how sample tasks are solved, giving a grammatically instructed guidance for performance of various tasks, and stimulating them to develop skills that are emerging in them via rehearsal. We must however put into consideration the problem at hand; that the students will be expected to learn a second language, in this case English. Much as they will try to be given the above guidelines we can also be guided by a model suited for them. Two models can be focused as a basis for this: (a) The rehearsal rationale path which focuses on what they will be intending to do with the language they are learning. (b) Psycholinguistic model which answers the question on the required mechanisms to acquire a second language. I do therefore propose that such a curriculum would entail courses that will make the learners be assimilated into a culture of having a positive response to using the English language as pertaining communication on a daily basis, training them how to communicate, write, think critically and solve problems using the language. Basically, since the language entails being able to read, write (which would demand knowledge on the grammar, use the language mechanics, penmanship and spelling), to listen and speak all these would be part and passel of the curriculum. Arising Effects and Addressing the Problem It is hard to develop a compromise curriculum for everyone. While some would view such changes as only a waste of time and derailing their time in school since they know the basics, the learners would find an opportunity to assimilate what is necessary to give them an easier time in school. A compromise must however reduce the likelihood of going into what the newcomers can found out for themselves. Since they already have come to study various courses in the institution, it can be assumed as well that most of them will be aware of the challenges involved. Instead of say establishing a separate academic year to go through the curriculum, the curriculum can be made to fit into their program as they go through other courses of their study. One can therefore fit in two courses of studying English in their first year of study. The first course, for example can contain courses for the students to learn communication, writing and reading skills, while in the subsequent term, the second course can entail courses challenging students to thinking critically, analytical skills, interpretation skills, and using the language to formulate ideas. It must be considered that students will have to be exposed to acquiring a second language by presenting one which is a bit more complex that which they have and they will gain maximally. This was a belief in input hypothesis by Krashen (1981, 1982) which has acted on for many researches. The next step would entail finding out what majority of the learners will be, their background languages and how the curriculum can be suited to favour them. A research will need to be conducted to establish what the current situation is on the ground, necessity of having such a curriculum, its implications to the students already in the institution and how they think they can be helped. It would be of little need to establish a curriculum that only duplicates work and overloads the students. In deed, this can be solved by carrying out an extensive research on the need for it, even before it is designed. Once there is enough evidence that such a curriculum is of necessity, one can go ahead and design it. It would be better to incorporate the views of the intended beneficiaries to this project. The curriculum should be geared towards making sure that the students also benefit in usage of the language in other disciplines other than English itself. Therefore, a good connectivity between English language skills should be ensured by the curriculum being implemented. Implementation and Review Once the program has been implemented, there is need to keep on acquiring the feed back from the beneficiaries pertaining various courses, their benefits and what they think can be done to improve on the arising difficulties, analyzing the elements of the feed back and carrying out the corrective measures as pertaining course improvement. Conclusion In the above analysis, I have provided a basis model which can be used in developing an English language curriculum, and sort to solve problems related to its introduction in any learning environment. The implementation and review section seeks to give an outline how one can put into action such a curriculum and review it. Remember that a good curriculum is the one that accomplishes its intended purpose satisfactorily. It does not mean that it is free from difficulties, but these must be dealt with. Reference NCCA (2008): Curriculum Online. Retrieved from, http://82. 195. 132. 34/index. asp?locID=399&docID=-1, on September 10, 2008 Krashen, S. (1981). Second language acquisition and second language learning. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Krashen, S. (1982). Principles and practice in second language acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon Press. Nunan D. (1998). Communicative Tasks and the Language Curriculum. Macquarie University Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois. Retrieved from http://www. iei. uiuc. edu/TESOLOnline/texts/nunan/index. html on September 10, 2008. Nunan, D. , & Lockwood, J. (1991). The Australian English course: Task based English for post-beginners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

India is a country of festivals Essay

India: A Land Of Festivals INDIA, the world’s second largest country, has over 1 billion inhabitants, who speak 18 major languages and more than 1,000 minor languages and dialects. It features an infinite variety of landscapes and unsurpassed cultural richness. With so much diversity embedded within one culture, it is easy to understand why India is called â€Å"a land of festival and fairs.† Every day of the year there is a festival celebrated in some part of the country. As in any old civilization, most of these festivals have religious ties. Because India is still a predominantly rural nation, many of its festivals also welcome the coming of natural phenomena like the seasons of the year, the harvest, the rains, or the full moon. Thus, festivals often commemorate the sacred bond felt by the Indian villagers to their land. Nevertheless, there are those festivals, such as karwa chauth, practiced with great austerity by women of the Hindu faith in devotion to their husbands, which are not festivals as such, though there may be something of a festive air attached to these occasions. English: Diwali Chakra in Displaly English: Radha celebrating Holi, c1788. (digitally†¦ Holi Some festivals are observed throughout the country, or in a greater part of it; others, such as the famed snake race of Kerala, have peculiarly regional associations. Yet others, most notably Diwali and Holi, have been instrumental in bringing the diaspora of Indian communities back together. In remote places like Fiji, Mauritius, Trinidad, Jamaica, and Guyana, these festivals are celebrated with a pomp and vigor not always witnessed in India itself, indicating the intensity of India culture even after it travels away from the subcontinent. Among the most popular of all festivals, Dussehra symbolizes the triumph of good over evil. It takes place sometime between late September and early October. Every region observes this ten-day festival in a special way.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Quality of Work Life of Cement Industry Essay

Abstract Quality of work life is an important indicator and yardstick for any organization to measure its overall performance and overall satisfaction of its stakeholder‟s .Quality of work life comprises of several factors which are influencing the quality of work life in different dimensions. Quality of work life of this industry is concerned the safety, healthy work environment, adequate and fair compensation and social relevance are undedicated by the internal stakeholders (Employees).Also the lower level workers don‟t have ,that much amount of quality of work life that is why they don‟t have that much level of involvement in their company. Hence to bring-up the expected level of involvement of the employees they must be provided enough amount of training and they must be given on –par treatment while compare with the rest of the level of employees of their organization. Key words: Quality of work life – Total life space, social relevance – Quality of work life feeling stakeholders. Introduction Historically, cultural values about work have shifted greatly over the years. In ancient time work was performed only by slaves, The Renaissance and Reformation brought great changes in prevailing attitude towards work. Work acquired a moral dignity of its own. Work serves many purposes. The economic function of work for producing goods and services is its most obvious value. In return form of production the work is paid wages that enable the purchase of good, shelter, plus other needs and luxuries of life. But work serves other values as well. As part of social needs people are supplied at the work place, were they meet, and converse and share experiences. One‟s job connotes a certain social status both for the worker and his or her family. Work also contributes to an employee‟s self-esteem by reflecting a contribution to the work group, department and company. If a person is competent and meets his own personal and the boss‟ satisfaction expectations, this contributes to a sense of personal worth. Quality of Work Life (QWL) is a relatively new concept. It refers to the favorableness or unfavrableness of a job environment for people (Davis and Newstrom, 1985). Evolution of quality of work life Walton attributes the evolution of QWL to various phases in history. Legislation enacted in early 20th century to protect employees from job-injury and to eliminate hazardous working conditions, followed by the unionization movement in the 1930s and 1940s were the initial steps. Emphasis was given to „job security‟, due process at the work place and economic gains for the worker‟. The 1950s and the 1960s saw the development of different theories by psychologists proposing a „positive relationship between morale and productivity‟, and the possibility that improved human relations would lead to the enhancement of both. Attempts to reform and to acquire equal employment opportunities and job enrichment schemes also were introduced. Finally, in the 1970s the idea of QWL was conceived which according to Walton, is broader than these earlier developments and is something that must include „ the values that were at the heart of these earlier reform movements‟ and „human needs and aspirations‟(Walton, 1973). The modern interest in the quality of work life was stimulated through efforts to change the scope of people satisfaction job in attempting to motivate them (Tyagi 1997). The jobs should seek to employ higher skills of workers, improve their skills, and contribute to general Social advancement as well as programs that offer employees, the opportunity to purchase equity in their firms or programs that provide protection against arbitrary action for their supervisors (Robins, S. 1997). Criteria for quality of work life: It has been pointed out by Ted Mills that one of the problems with the tern is that â€Å"quality of work life† is not a single, specific notion. Rather, it subsumes a whole pass of terms and notions, all of which he feels really belong under the umbrella â€Å"quality of work life†: 1. Industrial Effectiveness 2. Human Resource Development 3. Organizational Effectiveness 4. Works Restructure 5. Job Enrichment 6. Organizational Restructure 7. Socio- Technical Systems 8. Work Humanization 9. Group work concept 10. Labour – management cooperation 11. Working together; work involvement; and worker participation 12. Cooperation work restructures Importance of Quality of Work Life: Quality work life is essentially the concept of favorable situation of a work environment. It is imperative in any type of organizations to ensure high productivity and involvement of employees in generation of goods and services of better quality. The global economy presents the organization with new challenges to be faced by the employees. To make it more imperative employee‟s involvement and commitment are required in achieving organizational goals. Such involvements and commitments could be secured only through improved quality of work life. Furthermore working life is regarded as a larger ecological complex of human resource. So ultimately the quality of working life of employees should be made better and pave the way for satisfied working conditions and make them involved in the growth of the organization. Review of Literature: Cohen. D.S (1979) Quality of work is a process of joint decision making, collaboration and building mutual respect between management and employee, which seems to cause a change in how people feel about labour their work and each other. It is this change in the human climate that quality advocated, maintains, increases satisfaction and facilitates better solution to management and production. Ekramul Hoque, M. and Alinoor Rahman (1999) They attempted to compare the QWL of industrial workers according to the nature of the organizations and to measure whether there is any significant relationship among quality of work life, job behaviour and demographic variables of the workers. The result revealed workers of private sector textile mills perceived significantly higher QWL than in the public sector; QWL has significant negative correlation with absenteeism and accident and QWL has significant positive correlation with performance. 3 Tambe M.R. (2000) In a broad sense QWL includes job enrichment group work concept, labour management cooperation, workers involvement, co-operative work environment and organizational industrial effectiveness. In a narrow sense it is a conductive and encouraging job and physical environment. Mentz (2001) conducted a study to determine the quality of work life of teachers in farm schools in South Africa. The sample consists of 60 teachers in 15 farm schools. Findings indicate that teachers in rural schools are generally satisfied with circumstances and enjoy teaching; they are satisfied with classroom size, physical facilities and teacher student relations. Topper (2008) The literature reviews of psychological and sociological studies of job satisfaction in general and specifically for library workers were under taken by Topper(2008). The investigation was primarily intended to measure the job satisfaction among library workers. It revealed that the library workers are very satisfied in their job. It also underlined the fa ct that job satisfaction should be the key factor for recruitment of the next generation library workers. Edwards, J.,Van laar ,D.L &Easton ,S.(2009).Regular assessment of quality of work life can potentially provide organization with important information about the welfare of their employees, such as job satisfaction, general well-being, work related stress and the home-work interface. Objective To find out the existing level of Quality of Work Life perceived by the employees in cement industry Research methodology: Research Design The research design is an important yardstick and it is describing the properties of the proposed research with related to a particular domine. This article is concerned; the research design is descriptive in nature. This article is going to evaluate the existing level of quality of work life which is prevailing in cement industry at Ariyalur District. Survey and sampling method: The researcher is decided to deploy the primary data from the concerned indust ry [respondents] with the help of the data collection tool [questionnaire]. Apart from the primary data the required data‟s to enhance the quality of the article is to be collected from the secondary sources such as books, magazines and annual reports of the companies. The data which is to be collected from the respondents on random basis [simple random sampling]. The companies which are included in this survey are TANCEM, BIRLA and RAMCO. The sample size which is a determined for the study is 300 from all three companies. Statistical tool used: The collected data which is analyzed with the help of ANOVA. Analysis and Interpretation: Quality of Work Life (QWL) includes a host of issues ranging from occupational safety and health, job training, retraining, educational opportunities to society recreational facilities and childcare. QWL is a process of work organizations, which enables its members at all levels to participate actively and efficiency in shaping the organizations environment, methods and outcomes.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The IASB at a Crossroads Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The IASB at a Crossroads - Assignment Example IFRS ensures high quality standards in financial reporting of financial statements globally by promoting transparency, accountability and integrity in financial reporting. High quality financial reports enable the making of effective decisions IFRS decreases the cost of capital and provides institutional investors with the ability to make well-informed decisions by comparing investment portfolio. Companies trading in the stock market are required to comply with IFRS. IFRS helps to reduce information asymmetry and reduces transaction costs thus reducing the cost of capital. This helps attract Foreign Direct Investments. IFRS also promotes better management control systems. Despite the benefits adoption of IFRS faces quite a number of challenges. There is lack of public awareness on the use of IFRS and its benefits to regulatory authorities and investors. This is because of lack of information on IFRS. There is chronic shortage of competent professionals in some countries especially developing countries to implement IFRS. Most of these countries still use previous accounting practices which IFRS is phasing out. The IASB is ambiguous in its requirement on the adoption of IFRS globally. For instance, the less developed countries would simply adopt the standards without putting in appropriate legislative measures. A few industry players would adopt IFRS and yet the country would be registered as an adopter of IFRS. The IASB can promote updating of academic curricula in universities and training institutions across the world in order to raise public awareness on the use of IFRS and raise competent professionals who can implement IFRS. IASB can continuously publish pronouncements and embark on capacity building programs on IFRS to provide more information to investors and regulatory

Thursday, September 12, 2019

School uniform Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

School uniform - Essay Example Some students and organizations, which promote freethinking and freedom of expression, have strongly contest in requiring school uniforms. This paper asserts that public school students in the US should be compelled to wear school uniforms by pointing out the various advantages would bring in terms of financial implication, convenience, safety in school, students' sense of identity and belonging as well as their discipline and learning. It is clearly seen that school uniforms would help parents save money on their children's clothing expenses. The set of tailor-made uniforms would be used by students on school days so parents would not have to be burdened with always buying clothes for their kids. With this, students would not find a reason to impel their parents to buy clothes for school since they already have school uniforms. Aside from this, wearing of school uniforms would also facilitate the convenience of students in selecting day-to-day clothes. Normally, these students encounter difficulties in choosing what to wear in school. At times, this problem may cause them to be late for class as they can hardly decide on what to actually wear or how to mix-and-match their clothes to look good. With school uniforms, they can save time in going about the said dilemma every morning. Instantly, they have something to wear everyday without the worries if their peers or classmates would notice if they wear the same clothes at frequent intervals. Some argue that requiring school uniforms may be burdensome for low-income families since even school uniforms are acquired at a cost. But then this argument can be countered by the fact that school uniforms are still relatively more affordable that most clothes bought in malls, particularly the branded ones. Moreover, students whose parents could not afford trendy clothing or designer wear would be saved from embarrassment, especially at the adolescent stage where looking good is an important factor for social acceptance. Safety of Students With the advent of gang-related clothing such as loose-fitting clothing style, public school officials have related these trends with the aggravation of school violence. This is because baggy clothing style characterized by oversized shirts and pants may be one of the ways by which students or gang members bring in weapons and drugs to school concealed in their clothes. Moreover, gang members, who may dress in the same way as regular students, easily gain access in public schools by mixing with the school crowd. These increase the incidence of violence in public schools and make both parents and students be troubled about safety. To address the rising incidence of school violence, public school officials have considered implementing the policy on school uniforms so that public school students would become more easily identified and screened. School security officials may disallow entry of those who are not in school uniform. As such non-students and outsiders would be able to access the school premises and adversely influence students by distributing deadly weapons or illegal drugs. Such would also help prevent school violence. This does not mean though that this would be the only security measure undertaken by school officials. In

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Climate and Air Pollution Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Climate and Air Pollution - Assignment Example The government should introduce tax incentives for companies that adopt the green energy (Dornbusch 62). There should steeper penalties for countries that pollute the environment like oil and gas exploration companies. The Government can open up its market for products produced organically and using green energy. The strategy will encourage companies to shift to green energy to access the market. The strategies will influence the economies differently. Green energy creates jobs encouraging employment of more people (McNamee 108). The trade incentive will encourage more good to be produced to meet the large market demand. Educating the public is crucial. Once people are educated on the importance of green energy, there will be inventions that are beneficial to the economy (Petersons 120). Once green energy is fully adopted effects of global warming will reduce and the money used to tackle disasters channeled

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Performance appraisal policies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Performance appraisal policies - Essay Example Walmart, Google and Apple are very reputed companies in the global market and hold a significant place in the list of Fortune 500 companies. Discussing about the performance appraisal of these companies this can be said that Walmart is using performance appraisal system for the purpose of evaluation. The management of this company has set four standards which are below standard, above standard, standard and outstanding performance. According to these levels they are evaluating the productiveness of their employee’s performance in the organizational activities. New joiners are received two times evaluation at the first fiscal year and other employees receive the same one time in a year. Management has decided that all employees should spend at least 6 months at their current position before getting any kind of promotion. The employees who are giving outstanding performance in the organization can receive monetary reward at any time in a financial year. Compensation and benefit are structured according to the performance evaluation of every employees and it can differ from person to person (Armstrong, 2006). Again in case of Apple Inc. this can be said that this company does not provide any kind of guarantee for lifelong employment opportunities without standard performance. So management of this company always focuses on this fact that employees should take responsibilities to achieve target growth to survive in this company. The company has set organization centric goals and target to recruit only qualified and skilled persons in the respective fields. The management of the company is doing performance appraisal of its employees on annual basis and high performers are getting exclusive rewards for their performances. The company is paying a variety of incentives to its employees such as long term care insurance, employee

Monday, September 9, 2019

Economics Issues Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Economics Issues - Coursework Example Consumers play a key role in perpetuating discrimination in the labor market through their choices and consumption patterns. If consumers prefer one commodity over another, they will lower demand in that labor market in which they do not prefer their goods.  Consumers play a key role in perpetuating discrimination in the labor market through their choices and consumption patterns. If consumers prefer one commodity over another, they will lower demand in that labor market in which they do not prefer their goods.  The law of diminishing marginal utility states that as consumption of a given commodity is increased by an individual while keeping the consumption of other products constant, there will be a decline in the marginal utility of the individual that is derived from the consumption of each and every additional unit of the product. The law of diminishing marginal utility does not contract the notion that individuals always want more of all goods because they are limited by the ir budget constraint hence they cannot acquire all that they want at any given instance.  Properties of indifference curves(a) NonintersectionIndifference curves cannot intersect each other because, at the point of tangency, the curve on the higher side will yield much more of the two commodities as compared to the lower curve hence they can never intersect.  (b) Convexity to the origin(c) The higher the indifference curve, the higher the level of satisfaction. The consumers will prefer to choose higher indifference curves since they aim at maximizing their utility.  (d) Negatively sloping. The indifference curves are negatively sloping because the consumer must give up the consumption of one commodity in order to consume more of the other commodity.  

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Liujiaxia Hydro Power Plant Disturbs Kanbula National Forest Term Paper - 1

Liujiaxia Hydro Power Plant Disturbs Kanbula National Forest - Term Paper Example The development of the town has caused intrusion by humans into the habitat of wildlife which has further damaged the natural life of the forest. Kanbula Forest is located in Northwest of Jianca County of Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous States in Qinghai Province. It has a total area of 15054.4 hectares and altitudes of 2100 to 4000 meters above sea level. Because of its location at high altitude, Kanbula Forest falls in the category of subalpine forest. The forest is also located in the transition zone from Loess Plateau to Qinghai Tibet Plateau. Thus, it is the warmest region in Qinghai Province. It borders on the Yellow River in the North and shares a boundary with the famous Liajiaxia Hydroelectric Power Station. Huge mountains extend from the forest with trees covered resembling a sea of forest. There are deflated hills around the Kanbula Forest that are formed due to erosion from wind and sand. These hills are known as red cloud landforms. Situated in the middle of the mountains, the weather of the forest changes frequently. Instead of experiencing all four seasons, the forest only goes through hot and cold seasons in a year. In the warmer weather, warm and humid air blows, whereas the colder season experiences a cold and windy weather. The forest’s tough topographical features form a role of microclimate. According to meteorological data records, the average temperature of the forest is 1 to 2.9 Â °C with the warmest weather experienced in the month of July.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Hiring an Administrative Assistant to Teck Security Firm Research Paper

Hiring an Administrative Assistant to Teck Security Firm - Research Paper Example .†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..7 Contribution of Teck Security in Hampton County †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦8 Effects of straining understaffed Administrative personnel in Teck†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦9 Nature of Criminals in Hampton County†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.10 Best practices employed by security competitors in Hampton...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.12 Benefits of Hiring an administrative Assitant at Teck Security †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 Outcomes of implementing the Findings†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.14 Conclusion †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..15 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..16 List of Illustrations Figures Figure 1: Hampton, SC ratio of number of residents to the number of sex offenders compared to nearest cities †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦10 Figure 2: ration of number of sex offenders to the number of residents †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦11 Tables Table 1: Crime issues in Hampton County (2010-2011)....†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦12 Executive summary This report is all about the Teck Security Firm and the Security Situations in Hampton County, North Carolina. Research is carried out through an interview, a questionnaire method to determine how effective the Company is in security matters, and what Hampton County residents say about it. The findings indicated that Teck Security Firm is one of the best in the area and most preferred for physical security services. This report... The aim of this report is to come up with the best security enhancement solutions for Teck Security Firm in order to improve security provision in Hampton County and the neighboring regions. The report examines the security situations in Hampton County and the role of Teck Security. It also examines black spots in the region and highlights the best security measures to be undertaken by Teck Security Firm. Other areas examined in this report include effects of straining administrative personnel in a firm, nature of criminals in Hampton, competitive advantages of competitor firms and benefits of hiring an Administrative assistant. Hampton County is a fast developing area with population growing more than 200, 000 individuals according to the last census carried out in 2010. This means that the rising population requires better-modified security services to accomplish its mission of becoming the leading region in security solutions. In the past few years, Hampton County widened its serv ice delivery base to encompass areas like Kazuri and Hoja meaning that the security firms in the region must also expand to meet the rising demands. However, the Teck security system, which is the leading security provision in the region, has been deteriorating in the past few days. The main reason for deterioration is the deficiency of administrative assistance since junior staff has increased due to the increase in population in the region and expansion.

Friday, September 6, 2019

The attitudes towards Essay Example for Free

The attitudes towards Essay Essay title: Consider, with particular reference to Far from the madding crowd, the attitudes towards relationships between men and women conveyed in these texts reveal any marked changes in attitude? Comparison Social/Historical/Cultural contexts I have read and studied the relationships between men and women in the 18th and 20th century. There are six relationships investigated, taken from two short stories and a novel; Far from the madding crowd, a novel by Thomas Hardy Tickets please, a short story by D. H Lawrence Seeing a beauty queen home, a short story by Bill Naughton. Four of the relationships involved: Bathsheba and Gaberial Oak Bathsheba and Francis Troy Bathsheba and Farmer Boldwood These relationships are taken from the novel Far from the madding crowd. Another one of the relationships involves, Maggie and Rudy This relationship was taken from the short story Seeing a beauty queen home. The last relationship involves, John Thomas and Annie Walker These were taken from the short story Tickets please. Many of the characters share a lot of similarities and differences in the way they act and influence the relationships. For instance Bathsheba, John Thomas and Rudy are shown to be quite extremely proud, confident and vain this is shown by the author and foreseen by some of the other characters. She simply observed herself as a fair product of nature in the feminine kind, Her thoughts seeming to glide into far -off though likely dramas in which men would play a part-vistas of probable triumphs-the smiles being of a phase suggesting that hearts were imagined as lost and won. Far from the madding crowd (pg 13) This shows Bathsheba as being very vain and aware of her looks. I feel that Bathsheba and john Thomas both use their attractiveness to gain what they desire, where as Rudy uses his charms more than his looks. In the relationship involving Bathsheba and Gaberial Oak, Bathsheba instantly hypnotizes Oak with her overwhelming beauty but Oak is aware of Bathshebas ability to break hearts. Bathsheba is neither physically nor sexually attracted to Oak, he feels hurt and thinks her vain. By playing with Oaks emotions Bathsheba gains the upper hand in the relationship, she also uses this strategy in the relationship between Farmer Boldwood and herself. I felt that when Bathsheba thought herself clever by playing with Oak and Boxwoods emotions as thought they were toys, she showed her self to be a cold and insensitive person. In Tickets please John Thomas does something very similar to Annie in the way that he toys with her emotions but he also uses her for his physical needs. This insensitive act leaves Annie feeling very distraught and desperately seeking revenge. The difference in these two relationships lies between the personalities of Annie and Gaberial Oak. Annie seems to be the weaker person as she needs to get her revenge and Oak although hurt moves on with his life but they both still posses feelings for John Thomas and Oak. Rudy and Farmer Boldwood are similar characters, as they used the women to improve their status. Boldwood had not noticed Bathsheba before she sent him a valentine, when he saw the look on mens faces when he enquired about her as though she was a catalogue item; he grew to like her more. I think this was because he thought all these other men obviously like and desire her but she sent her valentine to me. So, he immediately wanted her for his own. Without knowing how Boldwood would react or knowing much about his character she sent the valentine, she thought it a harmless prank but he thought it love. Rudy does the same because he felt that because Maggie was a beauty queen if he spent the night with her this would earn him that little extra respect. Although at first Maggie seems taken by this idea the joke is soon on Rudy when Maggie throws him out for being to sly and cocky. For Bathsheba it is not so easy as Boldwood soon becomes overly obsessive it is interesting to see how Bathsheba reacts to Boldwoods sudden change in character as she probably couldnt of just thrown him out like Maggie through Rudy out as the times are different and so is the class. Bathsheba had to deal with Farmer Boldwood quiet formerly; although Bathsheba has the upper hand on the relationship Boldwood has a kind of emotional control over Bathsheba because she just cannot give him a straight answer. I think she cannot give him a straight answer because he bullies her by using his possessiveness and his need to have her. If a feeling possessed him at all, it ruled him; a feeling not mastering him was entirely latent. Stagnant or rapid, it was never slow. He was always hit mortally, or he was missed Far from the madding crowd (pg 138) I felt that the relationship involving Sergeant Troy and Bathsheba was not Based on love in Troys be have but based on the spur on the moment and the fact that she had money, for if it was based on love Troy would have never left Bathsheba nor would he have said such hurtful things to her. For a man who says that does not love at all. This woman is more to me dead as she is, than ever you were, or are, or can be. If Satan had not tempted me with that face of yours, and those cursed coquetries, I should have married her Far from the madding crowd (pg 334) But, if Troy loved Annie so much wouldnt he have forgiven her for the stupid mistake that she made and married her either the next day or the same day. Instead he just left her because he was not man enough to swallow his pride. In this relationship the attraction was physical and although Bathsheba may have thought that she loved Troy deeply, the love she felt for Troy could not compare to the love that she had always felt but never expressed or thought about or even knew was there for Gaberial Oak. In my view, Bill Naughton was trying to say think about what you do before you do it and also think about the other person, dont just assume you know how the person will react. Otherwise this could be easily turned around and you could be made to look the fool. Thomas Hardy implies you should not base a relationship on transient and superficial aspects on looks. Also that people may not always fall for the person who is going to provide a stable relationship but they may fall for the person who is physically attractive who will not provide a stable relationship. For instance I think Thomas hardy chose the name Gaberial Oak as he was a true friend to Bathsheba and looked out for her like a guardian angel (the angel Gaberial) and the name Oak implies that he is solid and is strong. D. H Lawrence is trying to say that we dont choose whom we decide to fall in love with but one should not destroy a relationship because one gets cold feet. Some of the cultural and social differences between the 18th and 20th centuries reside not only in the relationships described in the three pieces of literature but also in the way they are written about. For example physical love is expressed more openly in the 20th century in Tickets please john Thomas holds Annie publicly. Also in seeing a Beauty Queen Home Rudy and Maggie are seen leaving together and this strongly suggests that they are going to have sexual relations.

The Power of Dance Essay Example for Free

The Power of Dance Essay The video The Power of Dance was a film which explored various forms of dance around the world and how each one related to its respective culture. The video used a multitude of different styles of dance in different geographical locations to pinpoint how dance is a universal language, and the body is used to convey a variety of ideas and emotions. The primary theme behind the film was that dance is a global phenomenon. Dance crosses race, color, culture, social, economic, and class lines. Dance is found in a whole host of situations, including, but certainly not limited to, religion, theatre, social settings, and film. Dance is used to tell stories, express emotion, and as a form of religious ceremony, expressing praise, gratitude, sorrow, and offered as a gift. It is in this sense that dance is a form of communication without boundaries. Life itself is a form dance. Jacques DAmbrose, of the New York City Ballet theatre, likens the heartbeat to a dance. The heartbeat, he says in the first rhythm of dance, with its primary tempo a basic upbeat. It is this upbeat that sustains us all. Child dancer Ryan McCormick makes this point especially clear. As part of a New York childrens dance troupe, he applauds the merits of dance as being a tool to integrate children of different racial and economic backgrounds, by teaching teamwork and cooperation. Dancing is some of the childrens only way to express themselves and release daily stressors, a therapeutic part of dance, according to dancer and choreographer Gregg Burns. America is a melting pot, using dance from all over the world, including Russia, where the origins of ballet can be found. Russian dancer Bolshoi sees dance as an expression of aristocratic behavior, exuding effortless strength and grace. Ballet, in this light, is ? unearthly; (the) art of the air. Irek Makhamedov describes dance, ballet in particular, as an international language in which the physical and emotional are inseparable. Other cultures explored in the video include the dances of India, including one in which a single woman portrays both a man and a woman in a love story of both earthly and spiritual proportions; the dance itself being a metaphor for the love between man and God. Northern India has its own form of dance, Bhangra, a dance originated by farmers and performed by men. According to Vijay Neekay, this is a celebration dance. A final form of dance surveyed in the film was dancing in film and video. This form of dance is amazing in that it combines all forms of dance and movement through the magic of editing to create a single form of exciting and, sometimes, physically impossible dance. It draws together, and in a single moment, separates all different forms of dance in a beautiful art for life to imitate.